IAATO collects dues annually from all members, however the majority of funding comes from fees paid by Operators.
These fees are based on the number of passengers they transport to Antarctica, and how long those passengers are in coastal waters south of 60 degrees south or in South Georgia
For the 2022-23 season, this is:
US$3.50/per person/day in coastal waters, South Georgia and South of 60-degrees
These financial contributions are vital to supporting Antarctic conservation efforts, helping conserve the unique landscape for generations to come.
How does IAATO use these funds?
Here are just some of the things we’re able to do because of these contributions:
- Provide a forum for all operators in the Antarctic travel industry to share their expertise and best practices — both in the field and onboard ship
- Enhance public awareness and concern for the conservation of the Antarctic environment
- Encourage passengers to become strong advocates — or “ambassadors” — for the continued protection of Antarctica
- Help members employ the best-qualified staff and field personnel, through continued training and education
- Foster cooperation between the travel industry and the international scientific community in Antarctica on important issues such as climate change and the prevention of introducing non-native species
- Work with the media, governments and environmental organizations to ensure that private sector travel to Antarctica makes a worthy contribution to the protection of the continent
In 2016, IAATO celebrated 25 years of this important work. We are always mindful of our mission statement: that tourism activities have no more than a minor or transitory impact on the Antarctic environment.