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News26 May 2021, 1100 UTC

Changes at the Top as IAATO Welcomes New Executive Committee Chair

gina greer, IAATO Annual Meeting, IAATO Executive Committee, Responsible Tourism, Robyn Woodhead

The International Association of Antarctica Tour Operators has appointed Executive Committee member Robyn Woodhead to its top spot during this year’s online annual meeting.

Woodhead joined the committee in 2017, having been an active member of the responsible tourism organisation since 2010. She also serves on IAATO’s Climate Change, Gateway and Deep Field Committees.

She was appointed to the new role during IAATO’s annual meeting, held online this year from May 11 to 13.

IAATO Executive Director, Gina Greer said: “I have had the opportunity to work with Robyn as part of the EC this last year. Her involvement both with the EC and the Climate Change and Deep Field Committees underscores her commitment to addressing challenges in a dynamic way and she has been instrumental in evolving the committees to where they are today.

“I’m looking forward to continuing our work as she takes up her new role.”

Robyn Woodhead was appointed to the role of IAATO Executive Committee Chair during the Association’s annual meeting this month

The appointment comes as Mark Van der Hulst steps down after serving on the Executive Committee (EC) for the maximum term of five years, the last two as chair.

Every year at IAATO’s annual meeting, members have open and candid discussions on safety, environmental protection and self-management. Decision-making is supported by recommendations developed by IAATO’s many dedicated committees and working groups throughout the year. The meeting concludes annually with the voting in of new policies on best practice which support the association’s mission.

It is at the annual meeting that new members are elected to vacant positions on the IAATO Executive Committee. As part of the EC, these members will lead the organisation, making decisions on behalf of the membership, where appropriate. The make-up of the EC is designed to reflect the geographical distribution and operational activities of the Membership.

Joining the EC this year are former Finance Committee Chair Steve Wellmeier and outgoing IAATO Membership Committee Chair, John McKeon.

Woodhead said: “I feel very privileged to be a part of IAATO, and it is an honour to now serve as Chair of the Executive Committee.  It is certainly going to be a challenge pivoting our industry into a post-pandemic world and into a new future where we will need to manage for safe and responsible tourism growth.

“I feel passionately about the environment we operate in, and confident in our ability to hold our course through the challenges our industry faces and into a more robust and strengthened space.”

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