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Online Assessment

For field staff, office staff, officers and crew

Online Assessment

IAATO provides an online assessment for field and office staff, officers and crew, to test their knowledge of working in the field and their understanding of  the contents of the Field Operations Manual (FOM).

The Online Assessment is also one of the tools IAATO uses to show the Treaty Nations their Officers, Crew, Field Staff, Observers, and Office staff are qualified, continually training, and learning the most up to date information regarding rules and procedures for operating in and around the Antarctic.

Following decision made during IAATO2021, all IAATO Field Staff, including those guiding in South Georgia, are required to take an IAATO Online Assessment.

Additionally, at IAATO2022 members voted that Captains and senior officers are required to take the Online Assessment as well.

The below personnel as a minimum must take an IAATO Online Assessment each season:

  • ALL Field Staff
  • Captain
  • Staff Captain (where applicable)
  • Officers in charge of a navigational watch
  • Environmental Officer (where applicable)
  • Chief Engineer
  • Lead Hotel Officer/Manager
  • Helicopter pilot (where applicable)
  • Submersible pilot (where applicable)
  • Shoreside management engaged, or responsible with IAATO operations and or planning

Each Operator is responsible for registering their staff to have access to the FOM and the assessment.  Once you have been registered by your Operator, you will receive an activation email from IAATO to finish setting up your account. Which assessment you take will depend on your position, so be sure to check with your Operator which assessment they prefer you to take. Please note that South Georgia Permit Holders will also have to take a separate assessment provided by GSGSSI.

If you have any further questions please email

Online Assessment for Field Staff

The Online Assessment is hosted on a separate platform from the IAATO Website. This means you will need a separate account/login to access and take an assessment.

Field staff who have previously signed up for one of the assessments, regardless of employer, should continue to use their current login details. Use the password reset if you have forgotten your password (please see Forgot Password on the login page).

Staff who have not registered for one of the assessments yet can create a new account directly by logging into the Online Assessments site. Once you have signed in, please change your password in the My Account section. For further information, please check out the video tutorial available in the dashboard of your account.

Take the online assessment