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Preparing For Your Expedition

In line with the Antarctic Treaty system, IAATO is committed to the principle that planned tourism activities will have no more than a minor or transitory impact on the Antarctic environment.

Responsible Tourism

If you are planning a trip to Antarctica, please familiarize yourself with the guidance documents provided here and in our Visitor Guidelines library. For versions in languages other than English, please contact us directly.

Wildlife Watching Guidelines

For more information on watching wildlife, particular to each species, visit our Wildlife Watching Guidelines library. Here you’ll find guidance regarding seals, penguins, cetaceans and more.

Wildlife Watching Guidelines

Visitor Briefings

IAATO has made available a series of visitor briefing videos to help travelers prepare for their expedition. Covering cruise only, land visits and deep field excursions. We also ask that you watch the mandatory visitor briefing slideshow.

Watch briefing videos

Information for Yachts

If you are planning an expedition by yacht, please read through these guideline pages to ensure you are fully prepared.

Find information for yachts