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News08 June 2022, 1304 UTC

IAATO Launches Beach Clean-up Bingo Card on World Oceans Day

beach clean-up bingo, clean seas, environment, world oceans day
The International Association of Antarctica Tour Operators (IAATO) has launched a on World Oceans Day today (June 8).

The card encourages the user to pick up litter from their local beach by turning the activity into the popular game. It is the latest tool to be released as part of the organisation’s Antarctic Ambassadors Project and joint Clean Seas work with northern counterpart the Association of Arctic Expedition Cruise Operators (AECO).

The downloadable resource, which is available on IAATO’s and AECO’s website, has 24 squares each containing a piece of commonly found beach debris. Users are encouraged to challenge friends and family to find and collect as many of the items as possible to complete a line on the card, four corners or a full house.

Stella Giangarra, IAATO Antarctic Ambassadors Project, said: “Part of our definition of an Antarctic Ambassador is someone who protects Antarctica by making positive changes at home. Clean-ups in your local area are a huge part of that as they help reduce discarded plastic which can find its way into our precious oceans.

“We had a lot of fun creating this resource and can think of no better day to launch it than World Oceans Day. We hope our ambassadors enjoy the game, knowing they’re doing something positive for the planet in the process.”

Among the items featured on the bingo card are balloons, bottle caps, face masks and plastic cutlery – all trash sadly found along beaches and other coastal areas around the world.

Beach Clean-up Bingo is the latest resource to be borne out of IAATO’s Antarctic Ambassadors Project. On April 25, the organisation’s inaugural Antarctic Ambassadorship Day, IAATO launched its Ambassadorship Challenge; a 24-challenge poster to inspire polar enthusiasts to act for Antarctica.

As part of the celebrations, IAATO also launched an interactive Ambassadorship Map, showcasing polar enthusiasts around the world and what they have done in the name of ambassadorship.

Hayley Collings, IAATO Communications and Engagement Manager, said: “Ambassadorship has been a cornerstone of IAATO’s mission since its inception more than three decades ago.

“Thanks to the work of IAATO’s Education and Outreach Working Group, who lead the Antarctic Ambassadors Project we’ve been able to enhance this important work over the last few years with a series of resources that inspire, enthuse and motivate people to action.”

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